Securing a CentOS 7 Apache Web server through Let's Encrypt – 2018/03/11

In: System administration Tags : ApacheCentOS 7SSL

I recently needed to secure the apache installation in a virtual private server running CentOS 7. I followed the instruction in this excellent tutorial by DigitalOcean. These instructions allow you to get up to the A rating for the Qualys SSL Server Test. To jump...

Installing hadoop 2.7.1 from scratch (2015 version) – 2015/12/09

In: Big scale analytics Tags : HadoopUbuntuVirtualBox

In two previous posts I described the installation process for the 2.4.0 and the 0.20 releases of hadoop to the students of my class on on Big scale analytics. I opted for a VM-based solution, so that most of hardware and OS issues students would...

Deferring your Gmail messages – 2015/08/13

In: General Tags : Gmaildeferring mail

I finally found out a way to defer messages in Gmail. I wanted to be able to remove a mail message from my inbox and let it automatically show up after N days, in order to directly implement the defer and delegate basic GTD actions...

Executing JAR encoded MapReduce jobs in AWS either through Web interface or CLI – 2014/11/12

In: Big scale analytics Tags : AWSMapReduceHadoopJava

This tutorial explains how to use AWS in order to run MapReduce jobs written in Java end encoded into a JAR file, either using the Web-based console or through a command line utility. A basic knowledge of the Hadoop environment (release 2.4.0) and of the...

Using TrueType fonts with pdflatex/livetex on Mac OS X – 2014/11/04

In: no category Tags : no tags

My University recently established a set of typographic conventions to be used when producing official documents such as presentations. A Powerpoint template was provided, but that was almost useless to me because I’m more a LaTeX guy. Aiming at building a beamer template compliant with...

Installing hadoop 2.4.0 from scratch (2014 version) – 2014/10/09

In: Big scale analytics Tags : HadoopUbuntuVirtualBox

In a previous post I described how to set up a single-node hadoop cluster in an ubuntu server running on a virtual machine. Sort story: it’s related to my course on Big scale analytics. Refer to the original post for the details. As software upgrade...

Installing ipython, virtualenv, numpy, scipy and all that on Mavericks – 2014/06/05

In: General Tags : pythonipythonvirtualenvnumpyscipyMavericksscientific python

After upgrading my iMac to Mavericks I found out that my python environment was totally messed up, notably with ipython and virtualenv crashing at launch. I ended up to use my laptop to keep on with python development until I decided to perform a fresh...

Installing hadoop from scratch. And I mean it – 2013/03/24

In: Big scale analytics Tags : HadoopUbuntuVirtualBox

This year I started a new course on Big scale analytics, and the first tool I introduced students to is, not surprisingly, Hadoop. Having pointed out that this tool is useful when run on a significant cluster, I nonetheless wanted students to be able to...

Let me introduce... my blog – 2013/01/19

In: General Tags : BlogJekyllBootstrapMarkdownLiquid

I decided to set up this blog mostly with the aim of writing down install instructions as neat as possible for the software I use, so I (hopefully) can save time when setup a new computer. So, why don’t describe the technology behind the blog...